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Competition information

Het seizoen 2024-2025 belooft weer een mooi badmintonjaar te worden. Met 10 mixed teams en 1 herenteam zijn wij vertegenwoordigd in de bondscompetitie, van de eerste tot en met de achtste divisie.

Start times for home matches

In tegenstelling tot vorige seizoenen wordt de competitie gespeeld in Galgenwaard zaal 1 (het voorste deel)!

De wedstrijden starten om 12.15u. De zaal gaat open om 12:00 voor opbouw en inspelen.

Kijk voorafgaand goed hoe laat jouw team moet spelen en zorg dat iedereen op tijd is. Zoals ieder seizoen zal de baanindeling weer in de zaal liggen. Op de baanindeling kun je zien op welke baan/banen je team speelt, welke banen wisselbanen zijn en wat de start- en eindtijd is. Wisselbanen worden in onderlinge afstemming afgewisseld zodat ieder team er gebruik van kan maken. In principe beginnen de hogere teams op de wisselbanen.

Results and standings

The results and standings of the competition can be followed by everyone throughout the season on the homepage and the teampage.

Submitting results

The team captain is responsible for completing the form in advance. The team captain of the home team must print out the match sheet in duplicate prior to the match. One copy is for the opponent and one for the home team.

Both teams make any changes to the team line-up. This is done separately. The home team then ensures that any changes and the results are noted on both copies. Both copies must be signed by both team captains after the match.

Afterwards, the team captain of the home team must enter all changes into the competition computer programme. League teams should have entered the results no later than Sunday evening 20:00 hrs.

Need a substitute?

The telephone numbers of all (reserve) players are distributed among the team captains by e-mail. Do not forget to take the substitution rules of the league into account! Because substituting in the first- through third-division is different from substituting in the fourth division and lower, we have given a short description of both substitution regulations below.

Mochten er nog vragen zijn, neem dat contact op met de TC en/of CCP. Kylian ( en Brendan (

Substitutes First / Third Division

  • The strongest substitute in the team (i.e. highest ranked on the substitute ranking list of all substitutes in the team in a match) is no higher on the substitute ranking list than the strongest non-playing permanent player.
  • The second strongest substitute in the team is not higher on the substitute ranking list than the second strongest non-playing permanent player, etc.
  • If there are more substitutes than non-playing regular players, the remaining substitutes must not be ranked higher on the substitute ranking list than the lowest ranked regular player on the team.
  • In the event of an accident or illness after the beginning of the match, the absent player may be replaced by another player in matches yet to be played.
  • A permanent player of a team may not substitute in a lower division than the division in which his team plays.
  • A permanent player of a team may play for his own team as well as for another team in a maximum of 4 weeks in a match season.
  • In the last 4 rounds of a section, a regular player of a team may not play for that team if, prior to a match, his number of substitutions exceeds 50% of the number of times he has played for his own team.

Substitutes Fourth Division and lower

  • A permanent player of a team may play for his own team in a league week and may substitute once for another team in the same league week.
  • Een vastspeler mag niet invallen in een lager team, tenzij dit team in dezelfde divisie speelt, m.u.v. 7e en 8e divisie.
  • There is no limit to the number of substitutions.