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What is the membership fee at iduna?

De basiscontributie bedraagt €266 per jaar.Dit kan afwijken als je bijvoorbeeld korting krijgt omdat je student bent. Wil je trainen of competitie spelen dan komen er extra kosten bij. Kijk voor de overige kosten bij membership fees and opportunities

At what age can I become a member?

Are you (almost) 16 years old or older and would you like to play at our badminton club? We have something for everyone: recreational play, competition teams at all levels, training. You can come and have a look and play along. Normally, there is no waiting list. However, until you turn 18, we do ask you for the details of a parent or carer when you register.

When can I become a member?

You can become a member of Iduna all year round. It does not matter if the playing season has just started or just ended. As long as there are places available you can become a member immediately. If there is a membership stop, we will clearly indicate this. In that case we can put you on the waiting list.

How do I pay basic annual fees?

Iduna works with direct debit. We will use a standing order to collect the membership fee. The following data will be used in the direct debit execution:

Naam: Badmintonclub Iduna
Adres: Piazza 37
Postcode: 3995 XL
Woonplaats: Houten
Land: Nederland
Incassant ID: NL52ZZZ301678130000

Authorisation reference : your member number

Note: The membership number can be found on your Badminton Nederland membership card. You will receive this by e-mail after you have registered. Suppose your member number is 123456, then the reference of your authorisation is this number.

Why do I pay the basic membership fee via iDeal when registering?

To complete your registration, you pay the basic fee the first time via iDeal. We will then immediately deduct the one-off administration fee and any discount for joining later in the season.

All subsequent dues payments will be by direct debit.

One-off administrative fee

As a new member, you pay a one-off registration fee of €15 in addition to the basic membership fee.

I do not want a direct debit

If direct debit is not possible or desired, a surcharge of €5 per season applies.

I am a student can I get a discount?

Upon submission of a copy of the student card / proof of enrolment with current college year, you will get 25% student discount.

Upload a copy when completing the registration form.

When paying in the webshop, choose membership 'Student'. The discount will then be settled immediately.

I have a U-pas can I get a discount?

Upon submission of a copy of a valid U-pas, you may be eligible for a discount. The discount amount depends on the municipality's scheme and the personal budget still available.

Upload a copy when completing the registration form.

Any discount will be settled at a later date. When paying in the webshop, please choose membership 'U-Pas'.

I want to sign up for competition at bc iduna

Playing competition and training is one of the possibilities at our club. Depending on your playing strength and team composition, you train with Bart-Jan or Gerard. When you register, you sign up for the coming badminton season. Please email the technical committee to indicate your interest or any other questions around competition.

Training and competition fees are in addition to the basic membership fee. You can check the possibilities on our become a member page.

I want to train at iduna

As a member, there are several options for training. If you are a league player, you automatically train on Wednesdays. In addition, optional training is offered throughout the season. These will automatically become available in the webshop and will be announced in advance.

You can also train as a recreational player. We offer a beginner group and an advanced group. All possibilities and costs can be found on our become a member page

I want to change my details

Did you move? Change your phone number or email address? you can directly tell our membership administration.

I want to cancel my membership

Als lid blijf je aan BC Iduna verbonden tot schriftelijke opzegging bij de ledenadministratie.

Cancellation must be made before 15 August of the new season. If you cancel after 15 August, your financial obligations to the association will continue until the end of the season in which you cancel your membership.