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What does my membership as Friend of iduna entail

What does this membership entail?

  • You will be invited to fun tournaments
  • You will be invited to the social events (BBQ, New years drinks, Pubquiz etc)
  • You will be kept in the loop of tournaments and competition matches so you can come and cheer on your Iduna friends

Pay attention

  • If an activity asks for a contribution, that goes for regular members and for friends of iduna
  • Playing the club championships is only for regular members, but you are cordially invited as a supporter, at the dinner and at the party

What does a Friend of iduna membership cost?

A friend of iduna membership costs €50 per year

How do I pay yearly for my Friend of iduna membership

Iduna works with direct debit. We will use a standing order to collect the membership fee. The following data will be used in the direct debit execution:

Naam: Badmintonclub Iduna
Adres: Piazza 37
Postcode: 3995 XL
Woonplaats: Houten
Land: Nederland
Incassant ID: NL52ZZZ301678130000

Why do I pay the first time using iDeal

To make your subscription complete you pay the first year using iDeal. The years afterwards this will be taken care of by a standing order

I do not want a direct debit

If direct debit is not possible or desired, a surcharge of €5 per season applies.

I am a student can I get a discount?

No, there is no discount on the friend of iduna membership

You can become a regular member of iduna. With a regular membership you get a 25% student discount

I have a U-pas can I get a discount?

No, there is no discount on the friend of iduna membership for U-pas owners

You can become a regular member. On a regular membership there is a discount for U-pas holders

I want to sign up for competition at bc iduna

You can play competition as a regular member. The friends of iduna membership is not meant for playing competition

I want to train at iduna

Training at iduna is for regular members. The friends of iduna membership is not meant for training

I want to change my details

Did you move? Change your phone number or email address? you can directly tell our membership administration.

I want to cancel my membership

As member you will stay connected till you cancel your subscription in writing with the membership administration you can use this form to cancel.

Cancellation must be made before 15 August of the new season. If you cancel after 15 August, your financial obligations to the association will continue until the end of the season in which you cancel your membership.