Who we are
Hello. We are Iduna, the best badminton club in Utrecht. Take your time to look around, you'll find most of the answers here and otherwise just drop by.
With about
members we are active 3 times a week. Mostly at our regular location Sportcentrum de Galgenwaard.
When do we play
At iduna, we love balance between recreational and competitive players, ensuring that there are enough activities for everyone, at every level.
Competition training
Extra training
Recreational beginners
Advanced recreational players
Iduna BBQ, Pubquiz
Summer sports (Squash, Cycling, Running)
Parties and Receptions
Volunteer day
And so much more...
Club Championships
Iduna Open
Utregs toernooi
Several club tournaments
Are you an avid competitive player?
You can join us for competition from 8th to 1st Division.
If you prefer to play as a recreational player, you can of course do that too. Although...for recreational players, we organise an internal competition every year. Young or old, you are always welcome at Iduna!
Frequently asked questions
Membership and Introduction
At what age can I become a member?
Are you (almost) 16 years or older and would you like to play at our badminton club? We have something for everyone: recreational playing, competition teams at all levels, training. You can come and have a look and play. Normally, there is no waiting list.
When can I become a member?
You can become a member of Iduna all year round. It does not matter if the playing season has just started or just ended. As long as there are places available you can become a member immediately. If there is a membership stop, we will clearly indicate this. In that case we can put you on the waiting list.
For €266 you are already a member, Want to know more? Look at Becoming a member and membership fees
When are the open evenings at Iduna?
Our open evenings are usually in september and januari. Check out the calendar to see exactly when. You can also e-mail to our general address. You'll get advice on how to get acquainted with the club.
Can I just come and play on a regular evening?
Just come and have a look on Monday and Wednesday evenings. You can always contact our welcoming committee. Look on the game board to see who these people are and they will show you the way. If you cannot find them, just speak to any member and they will help you.
Don't have a racket yet? Not a problem. The club has rackets you can borrow for an evening
I don't have a racket, but I want to come and try playing
No problem, please join us on a monday or wednesday. The club has extra rackets you can borrow if you don't own one yet.
What is the membership fee at iduna?
The basic contribution is €266 per year. For other costs, see membership fees and opportunities. membership fees and opportunities
I am a student can I get a discount?
Upon submission of a copy of the student card / proof of enrolment with current college year, you will get 25% student discount.
I have a U-pas can I get a discount?
Upon submission of a copy of a valid U-pas, you may be eligible for a discount. The discount amount depends on the municipality's scheme and the personal budget still available.
How do I pay basic annual fees?
Iduna works with direct debit. We will use a standing order to collect the membership fee. The following data will be used in the direct debit execution:
I want to change my details
Did you move? Change your phone number or email address? you can directly tell our membership administration.
How do I cancel my membership?
There is one exception to the above: if you wish to cancel during the season (i.e. after 15 August) and we have a waiting list at the time of your cancellation, we will refund your membership fee for the remaining months of the season you are no longer a member. After all, we can then immediately register a new member in your spot. You can ask the membership administration if there is a waiting list at the time you cancel / want to cancel.
Refund in case of injury
Iduna has a refund policy. If you have not been able to play for part of the season due to force majeure, there is a chance to get part of your contribution back. Ask the treasurer about this. How much you can get back depends on the number of people with injuries and the financial position of the club.
Play and competition
On which days can I play?
Are there also competitions for recreational players?
Yes, indeed. Iduna has its own spectacular recreational league where several teams compete for the coveted cup. In addition, every recreational player can take part in the spring league and compete against other clubs.
When is the recreational or colour league?
The recreational or colour league is played on Wednesday evenings. See the page for more information
At what level does Iduna compete?
Iduna's teams are active from 8th to 1st division league.
When does Iduna play its home games?
I want to sign up for competition at bc iduna
Playing competition and training is one of the possibilities at our club. Depending on your playing strength and team composition, you train with Bart-Jan or Mark. When you register, you sign up for the coming badminton season. Please email the technical committee to indicate your interest or any other questions around competition.
Training and competition fees are in addition to the basic membership fee. You can check the possibilities on our become a member page under 'extra possibilities'
When is the regular league training?
Regular training for league players is always on Wednesday evenings during the league season. The higher league teams train with Bart-Jan, the lower league teams get training from Mark.
When are the optional trainings?
Are there also training opportunities for recreational players?
Yes. There are two opportunities for recreational training. The basic skills training and the extra skills training. You can attend a maximum of one trial training session. Not sure in which group you belong? Ask our trainer Erik during the training evening.
Why do I receive Iduna e-mail in my spam box?
Of course it is very annoying if you miss messages from the club. Iduna always sends its email via nieuws@bciduna.nl. Add this email address to your contact list and the mail will come back to you. If you want our messages always to be in your inbox and not in 'advertisement' (gmail), it is useful to create a filter. This filter puts all email from bciduna.nl in the right box.
How can I order club clothes?
Ordering and paying for club clothing is done on the website of CHESPsport www.chespsport.nl .
- Go to the menu Sportkleding and select BC Iduna. If you log in with the password you will see the different options with special prices for BC Iduna members
- Do make sure that there is BC Iduna in the name of the article. Then you are ordering from the BC Iduna webshop
- Do you want to have your name on the shirt? That's possible for an extra fee of €2,50. Put the name you want on the shirt in the field "bestelnotities". You will find it at the bottom when in the Paymentdetails section .
- Choose the option 'Pick up' while making your order definitive and paying. Your club clothing will be delivered to the venue free of charge
What if there are accidents?
Participation in club activities is at your own risk. In the unlikely event of an accident, the caretakers of the Galgenwaard can be contacted. They have a BHV diploma and can provide medical assistance if required.